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the curve section

The Curve section is where you can further model the signal which is being sent from the source object to the destination object. It is also the place where you define the possible limits of the destination object.
The curve should be read similarly to a Gamma curve, or a curve in Photoshop. The horizontal axis is the input signal, or the data as it comes from the source object, and the vertical axis is the output signal, or the data as it is sent to the destination object. In the Puppeteer interface, you'll see a narrow white band in the background of the curve, as well as some dark grey lines running through it. These define the axis system of the curve, and can be directly translated to the first and second node's values (see illustration below). Furthermore, the curve works on each and every active channel by the same amount, not just on one of them.

There are a few types of curves, each with their own settings. But for all types of curves, you can adjust the scale, the stretch, the offset and the inversion.
Scale scales the curve vertically. A scale value of 1.0 means that the curve isn't scaled. With 2.0 the curve will be twice as high.
Stretch scales the curve horizontally. Again, a value of 1.0 will mean that the curve isn't stretched, while a value of 0.5 will mean that it is shrunk to half the size. Logically, you can't put the Stretch value on 0.0.
Offset moves the curve from left to right. A value of 0.0 means no difference at all. If you set it to 1.0, the curve will have moved by exactly the width of t he axis system, in other words the width of the narrow width band in the curve display.
With Invert you can flip the curve vertically. If Invert is on a value of 0.0, the curve will display normally. Put the setting on 1.0 and it will be exactly flipped vertically. You can also use negative numbers or numbers bigger than 1.0 in Invert, allowing you to scale the curve vertically just like the Scale setting, though with the origin of scale being in a different place. With Scale, you scale from the bottom of the graph. With Invert, you can scale from the middle of the graph outwards.

In the popup menu of the curve settings, you can select the type of curve you want to use. There are five possibilities: Step, Linear, Bias, Gain and Sinus.
The Step curve is kind of a on/off switch. It simply switches from one value to the next at a certain point. By default, this is at the right side of the graph, where the input equals node 2. But of course you can move this point around with the various settings described above.
The Linear curve is also pretty straightforward. It simply doesn't do a translation at all! It feeds the input directly to the output. Only when you modify the curve with the above settings, the output will differ from the input. You can use this curve to easily change the amount of influence the source object has on the target object without the need to touch the nodes.
The Bias curve is the raw implementation *) of Cinema4D's Bias function (output=input^(log(bias)/log(0.5))). If you set the Bias value to anything other than 0.5, the curve changes sharply at one end, and just a little on the other end. Ideal if you want a certain move of the source object have more (or less) influence the further you move it. You can mix between the bias and linear curve with the Mix value.
The Gain curve is the raw implementation *) of Cinema4D's Gain function (output=(input<0.5) ? (Bias(1-gain,2*input)/2) : (1.0-Bias(1-gain,2-2*input)/2)). By changing the Gain value, you can either get a curve which changes less at the ends and more in the center, or more in the center and less at the ends. Ideal for a quick and dirty ease-in and -out effect. Again, use the Mix value to mix between the linear curve and the Gain curve.
The Sinus curve is the most flexible of all. With the default settings, it uses the sine function to do a perfect ease-in and ease-out at the ends of the curve. You can also use both the Bias and Gain values to change the curve in a similar way as the Bias and Gain types. The difference is that, with the Sinus type, the Bias and Gain curves have their influence limited to the area between the edges of the curve, preventing the curve from popping into infinity. If you change the Bias for example, while leaving all other settings at their defaults, you'll see that beyond the left and right edges of the curve, the curve is displaying the pure Sine function. If you want the Bias or Gain effect to extend beyond the edges, you'll have to set the limits of the curve to Loop or Ping-pong.
With the Mix value in Sinus-curve mode, you can mix away just the Sine function, leaving you with a linear curve on which you can still change both the Bias and Gain. The best way to figure out how these two combine is by trying them out in the Puppeteer interface. The curve display will probably explain a lot more than I can put into words.



The other thing you define in the Curve settings is the way the data flowing from the source object into the target object is treated if it goes beyond the borders set by the two nodes. If the source object's first node has an X position of 0m, and it's second node has an X position of 100m, what should happen if the source object is at an X position of 150m, or -234m? That is what the Limits are for. Directly next to the Curve popup-menu (where you set the curve type) there are two little arrows. Clicking these will provide you with a little menu with four options, which are the four types of limits you can set to the data. The left menu is used for the limit at node 1, or the left side of the curve, and the right arrow is used to set the limit at node 2, or the right side of the curve. The curve display will update accordingly. There are four types of limits you can set, and both ends can have a different limit. The types are: None, End, Loop and Ping-pong. None will simply not put any limits on the data. End will keep the value it finds at the edge of the curve, and feed that through to the destination object if the source object goes beyond the limits set in the nodes. Loop works just like looping an animation playback: it will simply repeat the curve between the limits endlessly. Finally, Ping-pong will also repeat the curve, but alternate between a mirrored curve and a normal curve, just the way the pure sine function does. Again, the best way to get to grips with these settings is to try them out and watch the curve-display in the Puppeteer interface update.
If you have Feedback turned on in the source object's coordinates section, setting the limit(s) to End will also affect the movement of the source object, taking care that the object doesn't go beyond the borders defined in the nodes. Logically, setting the limit(s) to Loop or Ping-pong means that the source object should be able to go beyond the limits, else the settings wouldn't make sense at all since there wouldn't be anything to Loop or Ping-pong.
There is an extra setting next to the limits, which is called Travel. This is built in because you can treat the limits in two ways if you change the Offset, and move the curve from side to side. Either you let the limits travel along with the Offset, or you keep the limits in a fixed position, and let the curve move 'beneath' it. That is what the Travel setting does. Turn it on, and the limits move along if you change the Offset. Turn it off and the limits and their effect stay in a fixed spot at the edges of the white region in the curve-display, while the curve itself moves from side to side.


*) IMPORTANT WARNING: Both the Bias curve and the Gain curve use raw functions. This means that the curve may and will disappear into infinity just beyond the limits. This is displayed in the Puppeteer interface as a solid black block filling up either side or both sides of the curve display, but with certain settings of offset and stretch the same block may appear in the middle portion of the curve. Take caution in these situations, as they may mean that your destination object will disappear into infinity as well! It is advisable to first deactivate the Puppeteer tag by unchecking the 'activate' checkbox in the top of the dialog, then set the curve to your liking, only to turn Puppeteer back on when you've made sure you have an acceptable curve. For both the Bias and the Gain type of curve, it is advisable to always use the limits of the curve (ie. don't leave them at 'None')


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